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♥ i forgot to remember to forget

A contemptuous narcissist, who believes that happiness,
comes to those who truly want it. –It’s in your hands. You choose how you live this life and you only live it once. You either make it or break it.


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my days, not yours.

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Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I'm surprised I took myself here- to this page. I've zero interest or energy to blog, well at least the past week. Training is completely draining yet in a way that makes me feel better, fun. So I don't want to be complaining about it. I'm learning so much about myself in the process. And my batch (14), they are an awesome bunch! Funny as hell, they make training less stressful. I managed to snap pictures with a few of them...

All I know is that I'm back to the routine of saying "T.G.I.F!" and "darn it's MONDAY already!" Yes, don't we all go through that? Ha ! well well. I've so much to study and SEP's round the corner and I'm freaking out, thankfully I've a friend who's in the same training as me and lives one block away from me. I've someone to mug with.

It's a SATurday and I am home home home. About to hit the sack. Got my lappie back last night and i've been installing programmes on it etc. No blooooody songs la! Well, have but only FOUR! all on repeat mode. Bleah. I am hooked to the last part of lovestoned. The whole song should've been like that. Cause i've to keep forwarding it to the part I like. Elfie is in Yishun with our friends but I'm too lazy to meet them, waiting for him to get back and tuck in with me. Speaking of which, he's going on a holiday with them (to KL) without me of course. :( I can't go cause of work. And they are going away for an entire week! BOOhOo! So much for wanting to go on a holiday with him for the longest time (since our last one, last april 06). He seems overly enthusiastic to be going without me, well I'm exaggerating i suppose. But it's like he's actually planning, when I've been bugging him to plan one for us, it seems like the complete opposite. Blablabla! I shall stop whining ! I'll be busy anyway.

okok, I'm off to sleep now.

Good night.

♥the trick is to keep breathing 11:00 AM

Friday, August 10, 2007


♥the trick is to keep breathing 11:59 PM

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thought I'd share some love with the rest of you- D'OH NUTS.

For all you Dunkin' Donuts lovers like me, dunkin' issssssss back! Well not technically because they don't have an outlet on our shores. However however however, there's nothing to fred or frown over. (And i don't get anything out of this, just so you know! heh) Because you can order it online and all you have to do is place your order on this website, choose one out of three locations you wish to collect it from and only make the payment when you've collected them. If you're crazy about them as much as I am, you wouldn't mind the travelling to get it collected plus its already pre-ordered hence, NO queues! Neat eh? :)

Nobody knows where the donuts are from per say, it could be imported from Malaysia? This Eighteen year-old Raffles Junior College Student Eddison New revived the now-defunct-in-Singapore American chain by investing "a considerable sum" in his online business in April. "A few thousand" doughnuts are sold weekly. He declines to mention where the sweets are made, "due to an agreement". -8Days.

Tsk tsk! Well I'm not complaining, as long as they are fresh and edible and are genuninely from Dunkin'. I've ordered two boxes and collections are only on Sundays at either City Hall MRT station, Bishan MRT station or Marymount Road. They ring you up to confirm orders one day prior to collection.

OK i know i look like I'm advertising Dunkin' Donuts here but did I mention I am sharing the Loveeeeeeeeeeee?!?! :) Ohhh I almost forgot, here's the website: Click-a-donut!

I'm actually looking forward to catching the Parade live on TV. Heh, too bad I ain't at Elf's otherwise I'd be able to see the fireworks from his place. =/

Anyway, HAPPY 9TH OF AUGUST! Savour the long weekend, supposedly.

♥the trick is to keep breathing 2:05 AM

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I'm in depress-mode now. :(
My butter fingers sent my laptop away! This morning I was attempting to open my laptop, and it kinda slipped off my hand and landed on my glass table. Well nothing happened to my table and i least expected anything to happen to my laptop, HOWEVER that was so not the case. BOOHOO! It wouldn't start-up after. It was a blessing in disguise that baby decided not to go to work and take MC (shame on him though, hah) so i woke him up in the afternoon to drive me to HP's Service Centre to send it for servicing. So its there now, safe and sound. Thats 3-4 days without my lappie-baby. I realize now, how attached i've become to it. Geez.
Looks like I can't attend my cousins temple wedding after all. I have training on that day and it only starts at 4pm, ends at 9pm and its Emergency Procedures and it's quite important or so I heard. There is no way I can leave early unless I clear the different courses for the day. I don't even know what to expect. The temple wedding is at NIGHT. Every other day of my training is during office hours but on this fateful day, it has to be at this time and an important part of my training. (how awful rightt?!?) Keeping my fingers crossed, there might be changes but I doubt it will be for that day. The flight for our training is booked in advance and costs a lot, hence they can't just change it or book another day. Rather imperative eh? Ugh, sighs. I was actually looking forward to the wedding.
Well, I'm off to have dinner now. Elfs mommy cooked Briyani. Yum! That might make me feel a tad bit better.
Will blog IF and when time permits. Toodles, and here comes the longgg weekend though it makes no difference to me. Heh

*care to help me connect the dots?

♥the trick is to keep breathing 6:13 AM

Friday, August 3, 2007

"I can't believe we're paying to watch something we could see on TV for free! If you ask me, everyone in this theater is a big sucker! Especially, you!"

(singing to Spider-man theme song) spider-pig, spider-pig, does whatever a spider-pig does ! can he swing from a web, no he can't because he's the SPIDER-PIG ! Look out ! He is the spider-pig.Like how cute is the pig in The Simpsons Movie?? Hah, some say it was a waste of money others say it was good. I thought it was alright, it was funny with lame jokes and lines. And Elf and i liked it. :)
Now I want to watch, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry ! Saw the trailers and it looks funny as hell, something different eh?

Ok, i would go on about other thing, however Elfie is on his way to pick me. We're heading out to 'makan'.

Till my next post, toodles. Have a great weekend!

♥the trick is to keep breathing 6:53 AM